You have just come back from lunch, you are just getting into your afternoon session and your trainees seem to have lost their energy, they are slouching in their chairs, they are not participating nor are they answering your questions. It is like trying to get blood out of a stone. They are half asleep!
“ W A K E U P ! ”
Here are some tips on how to wake up your trainees and it is NOT by shouting “Wake Up!”. :-)
- NEVER run a training or presentation where you just read off the power point slides, this will guarantee BIG snores!!
- ALWAYS use open questions throughout your training to make your trainees think for themselves , to encourage their participation and increase their level of retention. The more your trainees have to use their brain the less likely they will fall asleep!
- ALWAYS involve exercises, energizers and icebreakers throughout your training to help raise the energy.
- ALWAYS get them moving. So whether it is just working in groups, split them up so they have to move around the room and get them to present back to the rest of the group.
- ALWAYS make your content interesting and fun! If it bores you it WILL bore your trainees.
- ALWAYS make your training experiential so your trainees are doing things, moving their bodies throughout your training.
- ALWAYS check in on how you are feeling, often your trainees energy is a mirror of what your energy is like. So if you are lagging then introduce an energizer, icebreaker, exercise or even a break.
- NEVER run a session of more than 20 minutes of data without your trainees having to move their bodies. Give them a maximum of 20 minutes of data then introduce a partner share, an exercise, an activity, an icebreaker, something that will enhance their learning of the information that you have just shared and it will get them moving.
- NEVER offer heavy carbohydrates as the lunch option! Heavy carbohydrates are the worst food once eaten for having the feeling that you want to hide in the corner and fall asleep. So, if you have control of what is served for lunch, make it light and healthy and try and keep your menu free from heavy rich food.
- NEVER have the heating too hot in your training room. Always ensure that your trainees are informed before the training that you are unable to get the temperature right for everyone so ask them to wear layers so they can put on / take layers as needed. Have the temperature so it is comfortable for you.
- ALWAYS have a good night’s sleep the night before your training so you are full of energy.
- NEVER SKIP BREAKS!! Many trainers get behind schedule so shorten their breaks or skip them completely. You need these breaks to keep the energy flowing, to create movement, to keep your trainees minds focused on what you are delivering. Where is your trainee’s mind when they need a toilet break? It certainly is not on the content!!
- Keep smiling and enjoy your training! :-)
Happy Training! :-)
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